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The Children's Center

"To meet the needs of the community by providing quality child care and education that encourages individual development in a safe, nurturing environment."


All of The Children's Center locations are licensed by the Minnesota Department of Human Services

The Children's Center is mandated to follow the polices outlined in the Minnesota Department of Human Services Division of Licensing Rule 3 for child care centers. You can go online to review Rule 3 at

Affirmative Action Statement

The Children's Centers are operated in accordance with the United States Department of Agriculture, our policy does not allow discrimination in hiring, or enrollment procedures because of race, creed, color, religious affiliations, sex, disability, public assistance status, national origin, age, sexual preference or individual needs. This policy applies to all phases of enrollment, recruitment and selection. Any person who feels they have been discriminated against should write to the Secretary of Agriculture-USDA Programs, Washington DC, 20250.

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