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Parent / Teacher Conferences

Parent/Teacher conferences are scheduled twice per year. Teachers complete a written developmental assessment of each child that they will share with the parents at these conferences. From these conferences, teachers and parents gain insight into the four basic areas of cognitive development, physical development, mental development and social development.


For more details on Parent/Teacher conferences, InfantsToddlersPreschoolers.


Other meetings between staff and parents may be called from time to time. Individual conferences/meetings are available when ever children need additional support from parents and teachers alike. Willingness to get a child added assistance for any identified concerns is a key to a strong working relationship for everyone. Our goal is to help the child.

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Newsletters, Announcements and Other Postings

Newsletters are created monthly. They are used to communicate upcoming center events, individual classroom happenings, parent resources, educational pieces and more.


Be sure to check the parent bulletin board in your child's classroom for additional updates, schedules, field trip sign-ups, and more.

Daily Communications

Communicating with your child's teaching staff daily is important in providing the best possible care for your child.
We want you to know what your child did today so you can talk about it at home! Communication is vital in being proactive. Parents receive regular, daily updates through the Brightwheel app.


Classroom Emails: To drop your teacher a quick note, it's as easy as 1-2-3! (Click Here)

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